Déclaration finale de la 14e Rencontre des oganisations de jeunesse communistes européennes

Jeunesse d’Europe, lève-toi !

Rejoins-nous dans la lutte pour nos besoins actuels dans l’éducation, au travail et dans la vie!

Jeunes hommes et jeunes femmes,

Nous, 21 organisations de jeunesse communiste qui avons participé à la 14ème Rencontre des organisations de jeunesse communiste européennes à Athènes, les 23 et 24 septembre 2018, nous adressons à vous dans un appel à lutter pour nos besoins actuels dans l’éducation, au travail et dans la vie.

Au cours de la rencontre, nous, les organisations de jeunesse communiste, avons mis l’accent sur les énormes problèmes auxquels les jeunes sont aujourd’hui confrontés et nous nous sommes mutuellement informés des évolutions les plus significatives dans chacun de nos pays. Nous avons discuté des luttes des jeunes, des conclusions essentielles que nous avons tirées et nous avons échangé nos opinions sur celles-ci. Nous reconnaissons que les organisations de jeunesse communiste en Europe ont fait ces dernières années des efforts notables pour défendre les droits des jeunes et ont mené dans les conditions actuelles des luttes importantes contre le système capitaliste. Dans le même temps, nous avons contribué à renforcer les partis communistes et ouvriers dans nos pays, tout en accumulant une riche expérience qui peut nous aider à rendre nos futures luttes plus efficaces.

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For peace and solidarity, NATO must be dissolved. Canada out of NATO now!

The YCL-LJC strongly denounces Canada’s new NATO commitments that were announced following the Alliance’s summit on July 11th and 12th. In response to Trump’s desire to increase military spending to skyrocketing levels (he even called for a target of 4% of the GDP invested in the defence budget), Canada has attempted to calm the game and to show that it is ready to assume a greater role in this criminal alliance.

Among the new commitments, Canada will deploy up to 250 troops in Iraq to assume command of the NATO training mission in that country ravaged by nearly 30 years of ongoing warfare and still occupied by NATO forces. In addition, Canada will strengthen its presence in Eastern Europe, taking further part in the logic of confrontation with Russia. Thus, the reassurance mission in Latvia will be extended by 4 years, until 2023 and will be reinforced by an increase in the military strength from 450 to 540 troops.

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After the 27th Central Convention of the YCL-LJC, now is the time to organize!

May, 2017

Last week, the Young Communist League of Canada held its 27th Central Convention, the largest of the four conventions since its re-founding in 2007. From May 19 to 22, thirty-five delegates, plus alternates and observers attended from Montréal, Toronto, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria to reiterate our commitment to working class struggle and move forward with our strategies to build socialism in Canada. We dedicated these three days to exchange, discuss, debate and learn from the struggles carried out by young communists throughout the country.

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Dump the Trump ultra-right agenda!

Central Executive Committee, YCL-LJC

Nov, 2016

The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States is a serious danger to working people in that country and around the world, including Canada. This election has resulted in a shift to the far-right in the White House, as well as both houses of government, and will likely be reflected in the judiciary. There is an immediate need to organize and unite against this dangerous new reality.

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Solidarity with Venezuela

International Commission, YCL-LJC

Caracas, June, 2016

On the occasion of the Solidarity Mission for Venezuela organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth from the 6th to the 7th of June, the YCL-LJC Canada expresses its full solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, the Venezuelan people, its representatives and in particular its youth, one of the main forces for the future and the strengthening of the Revolution.

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End the Canadian Military Mission

March, 2016

The rhetoric surrounding Canada’s military mission in the Middle East is polarized along party lines – yet regardless of whether it’s the Liberals or the Conservatives, there is a shared desire to escalate Canada’s imperialist aggression. Started under Harper’s Conservatives and continued by the Trudeau Liberals, Canada’s presence in the Middle East is increasing, and intensifying the conflict. The impact on the local population is devastating – causing refugees to flee conflict areas. The Trudeau Liberals find it appropriate to pat themselves on the back in accepting a meagre amount of refugees to mitigate the effects of the humanitarian disaster they had a direct hand in creating.

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