Canada has no Place on the U.N.S.C.

Central Executive Committee, June 2020

The YCL-LJC condemns the Canadian States bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council. As a Pan-Canadian and working class internationalist organisation we will always remain committed to building the movement for peace and solidarity. Since our 27th Central Convention unmasking the Canadian States growing role in NATO Imperialism and helping build Solidarity movements have been prioritized. 

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La YCL-LJC salue le peuple palestinien à l’occasion de la Nakba

Comité exécutif central, 14 mai 2020

À l’occasion des commémorations de la Nakba, la YCL-LJC réitère son appui le plus sincère envers le peuple palestinien et condamne fermement l’annexion et la colonisation de territoires palestiniens par Israël. Cette journée souligne, pour les Palestinien-nes, les déplacements forcés que des milliers d’entre eux ont eu à subir à la suite de la Déclaration d’Indépendance d’Israël en 1948. Des centaines de milliers de palestinien-nes ont dû fuir leurs villages dont certains ont été vidés de leur population et détruits. Depuis 72 ans, le peuple palestinien lutte pour la reconnaissance de son propre État, à l’image de ses aspirations nationales. Pendant ces longues années, l’État d’apartheid israélien a organisé les attaques les plus meurtrières au mépris total des droits humains et du droit international. 

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YCL-LJC Salutes the Palestinian people on Nakba Day

Central Executive Committee, May 14th 2020

On Nakba Day, The YCL-LJC reiterates its wholehearted support for the Palestinian people, and strongly condemns Israel’s occupation and annexation of Palestinian lands. Nakba Day is a day of commemoration for Palestinians who faced mass displacement following the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced out of their towns and villages, many of which were entirely depopulated and destroyed. For 72 years, the Palestinian people have been fighting for recognition of their own state in the image of their national aspirations. Throughout this time, the Israeli apartheid state has organized the deadliest raids, in total violation of human rights and in total violation of international law.

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Announcement of 54 Communist Youth Organizations from around the world on COVID-19 pandemic

This letter was drafted at the initiative of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) and signed by 54 communist youth organisations, including the YCL-LJC Canada, the National Youth Federation of Nepal, Palestinian People’s Party Youth, Portuguese Communist Youth (JCP), Communist Youth Union of Spain… 

Young people of the world,

While thousands of people around the globe are getting the disease and unfortunately also die of COVID-19, the reality for the peoples, workers and youth is ruthless:

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Chili: ni les matraques, ni les balles n’arrêteront la colère des masses

La YCL-LJC Canada témoigne son entière solidarité envers le peuple et la jeunesse chilienne qui, depuis des semaines, fait oeuvre de résistance contre le gouvernement Piñera. Nous sommes solidaires des millions de manifestant-es pacifiques initialement mobilisés contre une augmentation de 30 pesos du prix des transports publics et appelons à une solidarité active avec leurs luttes. Nous appelons également nos camarades, amis et alliés, le mouvement étudiant, les organisations syndicales ainsi que les forces progressistes et démocratiques à témoigner de leur solidarité avec le peuple chilien. Leur lutte est la nôtre, car leur ennemi est le même que le nôtre: le capitalisme. 

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Chile: neither batons nor bullets will stop the anger of the masses

YCL-LJC Canada expresses its full solidarity with the Chilean people and youth who have been resisting the Piñera government for weeks. We stand in solidarity with the millions of peaceful demonstrators initially mobilized against a 30 pesos increase in public transport fees and call for active solidarity with their struggles. We also call on our comrades, friends and allies, the student movement, the trade unions and the progressive and democratic forces to show their solidarity with the people of Chile. Their struggle is ours, because their enemy is the same as ours: capitalism.

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