Solidarité avec la grève nationale en Grèce

Comité exécutif central

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada exprime sa solidarité sans équivoque avec la grève nationale en Grèce aujourd’hui, à l’occasion de l’anniversaire du crime d’État de Tempe qui a coûté la vie à 57 personnes, dont la majorité étaient des jeunes.

Nous reprenons le slogan entendu aujourd’hui à travers la Grèce, crié par les travailleurs et les étudiants : « Leurs profits ou nos vies! »

Nous saluons les immenses efforts déployés dans les préparatifs de la grève nationale par nos camarades de la Jeunesse communiste de Grèce (KNE) et du Mouvement de coopération pan-étudiante (Panspoudastiki KS). La force de ces organisations, aux côtés du Parti communiste de Grèce (KKE) et du Front militant de tous les travailleurs (PAME), a été essentielle pour mobiliser les travailleurs à travers le pays en vue d’une grève générale historique.

Pour nous, jeunes communistes au Canada, la leçon la plus importante que nous pouvons tirer de la grève nationale en Grèce aujourd’hui est que cette grève était de nature politique. Avec le slogan de la KNE, « Les profits des capitalistes “étouffent” les besoins du peuple. Notre souffle de vie est la lutte pour notre juste cause : renverser ce système! », il s’agit non seulement de s’opposer aux politiques du gouvernement actuel, mais aussi au système capitaliste lui-même.

Nous sommes aux côtés de nos camarades et de tous les jeunes travailleurs et étudiants qui se sont mobilisés en masse aujourd’hui dans tous les coins de la Grèce. Nous savons que nous avons plus en commun avec nos pairs en Grèce qu’avec nos exploiteurs au Canada. Non seulement nous partageons un ennemi commun dans la classe dirigeante, mais nous partageons également un objectif commun : le socialisme-communisme.

Vive l’internationalisme prolétarien!

Solidarity With the Nationwide Strike in Greece

Their Profits or our Lives!

28 February 2025 

Central Executive Committee

The Young Communist League – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste extends its unequivocal solidarity with the nationwide strike in Greece today on the occasion of the anniversary of the state crime of Tempe which took the lives of 57 people, most of whom were youth. 

We echo the slogan heard today across Greece shouted by the workers and students “their profits or our lives”! 

We salute the immense efforts in the preparations for the nationwide strike carried out by our comrades of the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE) and the All Student Cooperation Movement (Panspoudastiki KS). The strength of these organisations alongside the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) and the All Workers Militant Front (PAME) were essential to mobilizing workers across the country for a historic general strike. 

For us young communists in Canada the most important lesson we can draw from the nationwide strike in Greece today is that this strike was political in nature. With the slogan of KNE “The profits of the capitalists “suffocate” the needs of the people. Our breath of life is the struggle for our just cause to overthrow this system!” directly confronting not just the policies of the current government but rather the capitalist system itself. 

We stand with our comrades and all young workers and students who mobilised en masse today in every corner of Greece. We know that we have more in common with our peers in Greece than we do with our exploiters in Canada, not only do we share a common enemy in the ruling class but we share a common goal in Socialism-Communism. 

Long Live Proletarian Internationalism! 

Solidarité avec la jeunesse communiste syrienne 

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste dénonce avec la plus grande fermeté l’interdiction des organisations de jeunesse communiste en Syrie. L’ensemble de nos membres exprime sa solidarité avec nos organisations sœurs en Syrie.  

Le 29 janvier, les islamofascistes au pouvoir en Syrie ont suspendu la constitution et interdit plusieurs partis et organisations politiques, y compris les deux partis communistes et leurs organisations de jeunesse affiliées, l’Union de la jeunesse démocratique syrienne – Khalid Baghdash et l’Union de la jeunesse démocratique syrienne. Ces deux organisations sont des membres actifs de la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique et ont mobilisé la jeunesse syrienne dans la défense patriotique contre l’intervention impérialiste et dans la lutte contre l’ancien gouvernement Baas.

L’interdiction a été promulguée par les groupes militaires jihadistes, qui étaient autrefois qualifiés de terroristes par l’État canadien avant de prendre Damas et d’arriver au pouvoir en décembre.  

Les organisations de jeunesse communiste ont été interdites car elles étaient des combattants intransigeants contre le sectarisme, la réaction et la capitulation face aux intérêts du capitalisme monopoliste – c’est-à-dire l’impérialisme. Les nouveaux dirigeants de la Syrie ont déjà démontré leur soumission aux diktats du capitalisme mondialisé à travers leurs promesses à Israël et à la Turquie, membre de l’OTAN, ainsi que les garanties données pour mettre en œuvre la « libéralisation du marché ». La décision d’interdire les jeunesses communistes montre au monde la véritable nature de classe des anciens affiliés d’Al-Qaïda qui dirigent désormais la Syrie.  

Cette attaque dangereuse contre les droits démocratiques doit être condamnée avec la plus grande fermeté. Des efforts de solidarité parmi la jeunesse et les étudiants au Canada doivent être organisés. Certes, ce n’est que la première étape avant de futures attaques contre la classe ouvrière et les masses opprimées en Syrie.  

Comme le dit la première ligne du poème de mise en garde de Martin Niemöller : « Quand ils sont venus chercher les communistes, je n’ai rien dit, je n’étais pas communiste. »  

La YCL-LJC est solidaire de nos camarades, tout comme nous l’avons été lorsque l’État canadien a imposé des sanctions et largué des bombes sur le peuple syrien. Nous appelons toutes les organisations de jeunesse et d’étudiants amoureuses de la paix au Canada à condamner cette attaque dangereuse contre la jeunesse en Syrie.  

Vive l’internationalisme prolétarien !

Solidarity With the Communist Youth of Syria 

The Young Communist League – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste denounces in the strongest terms the ban on Communist Youth Organisations in Syria. Our entire membership stands in solidarity with our sister organisations in Syria. 

On January 29, the ruling islamofascists in Syria suspended the constitution and outlawed  several political parties and organisations including the two communist parties and their affiliated youth organisations, the Union of Democratic Youth Syria-Khalid Baghdash and Syrian Democratic Youth Union. Both organisations are active members of the World Federation of Democratic Youth and have been conduits for the young people of Syria in the patriotic defence against the Imperialist intervention and in the struggle against the previous Ba’ath government. 

The ban was enacted by the jihadist military groups, who were once labelled terrorists by the Canadian state before taking Damascus and coming to power in December. 

The Communist Youth Organisations were banned because they were staunch fighters against sectarianism, reaction, and capitulation to the interests of monopoly capitalism – that is imperialism. The new rulers of Syria have already demonstrated their submission to the dictates of globalised capitalism through their promises to Israel and NATO member Turkey, and the guarantees made to implement ‘market liberalisation’. The move to outlaw the young communists shows the world the true class nature of the former Al-Qaeda affiliates now calling the shots in Syria. 

This dangerous attack on democratic rights must be condemned in the strongest terms. Solidarity efforts among the youth and students in Canada must be organised. Surely, this is only the first step before future attacks on the working class and oppressed masses in Syria. 

As the opening line of Martin Niemöller’s cautionary poem goes, “First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Communist.”

The YCL-LJC stands in solidarity with our comrades, just like we did when the Canadian state dropped sanctions and bombs on the people of Syria. We call on all peace-loving organisations of youth and students in Canada to condemn this dangerous attack on youth in Syria. 

Long live proletarian internationalism!

La police panaméenne attaque les militants de la jeunesse et des étudiants  

Des syndicalistes emprisonnés pour avoir protesté contre la visite de Rubio et la privatisation des retraites  

La YCL-LJC exprime sa solidarité avec nos camarades au Panama qui résistent aux menaces pesant sur la souveraineté du peuple panaméen venant de la Maison Blanche, ainsi qu’aux tentatives du gouvernement panaméen de privatiser le système de retraite du pays.  

Nous saluons nos camarades du Frente Estudiantil Revolucionario 29 de Noviembre et des Juventudes Revolucionarias de Panamá, ainsi que les membres du Syndicat des travailleurs de la construction et des industries similaires (SUNTRACS), pour leurs mobilisations organisées contre les menaces d’intervention militaire de Donald Trump dans leur pays et contre les attaques du gouvernement de droite du Panama sur les acquis sociaux que les travailleurs ont obtenus par la lutte.  

Nous partageons avec nos camarades panaméens un ennemi commun : la Maison Blanche, la classe dirigeante de nos pays respectifs et les monopoles transnationaux. Nous dénonçons les menaces pesant sur la souveraineté des peuples de nos deux pays.  

La YCL-LJC exige la libération immédiate des membres du SUNTRACS emprisonnés pour avoir exercé leur droit de manifester. De plus, nous condamnons fermement l’usage de la violence par la police contre des manifestants pacifiques au Panama. Nous appelons toutes les forces démocratiques au Canada à se joindre à l’appel pour la libération des membres du SUNTRACS.  

Vive l’internationalisme prolétarien !

Panama Police Attacks Youth and Student Activists 

Union Members Jailed for Protesting Rubio’s Visit and Pension Privatization

The YCL-LJC expresses solidarity with our comrades in Panama standing up to threats on the sovereignty of the people of Panama from the White House and attempts by the Panamanian government to privatize the pension plan in the country.  

We salute our comrades in the Frente Estudiantil Revolucionario 29 de Noviembre and Juventudes Revolucionarias de Panamá and the members of the Union of Workers of the Construction and Similar Industries (SUNTRACS) for their organised mobilisations against Donald Trump’s threats of military intervention in their country and against the attacks by the right wing government of Panama on the social wages the workers have won through struggle. 

We share with our comrades in Panama a common enemy in the White House, the ruling class of our respective countries, and the transnational monopolies. We denounce the threats on the sovereignty of the peoples of our two countries. 

The YCL-LJC calls for the immediate release of the SUNTRACS members jailed for exercising their right to protest. Furthermore, we strongly condemn the use of violence by police against peaceful demonstrators in Panama. We call on all democratic forces in Canada to join the call for the release of SUNTRACS members. 

Long live proletarian internationalism!

Solidarity with Cuba! 

The YCL-LJC expresses our solidarity with the people of Cuba as recovery efforts from hurricane Oscar in Guantanamo and the challenges from the recent island-wide electrical blackout are being intentionally exacerbated by the United States blockade against revolutionary Cuba. 

For the 32nd consecutive year, the United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly voted against the U.S. blockade of Cuba. The results of the vote were 187 member states voting to condemn the blockade and only the United States and Israel voting against the resolution. 

The vote was accompanied by a detailed report prepared by the UN General Secretariat with contributions from 180 countries and 30 affiliated organizations.

The report from Cuba outlined that “the blockade is a crime against humanity, an act of genocide and a flagrant, massive and systematic violation of the human rights of more than 11 million Cubans. It is a cruel policy of punishment.” 

The YCL-LJC salutes our sister organisation the Union of Young Communists of Cuba (UJC) for organising more than 600 young people from all provinces of Cuba into aid brigades to Guantanamo. They are joined by many more brave young volunteers from the university and secondary student federations. We thank the courageous young people going to Guantanamo in its time of need. 

Hasta la victoria siempre! 

Donations to the Canadian Network on Cuba’s medical supply drive for Cuba can be made out to the following:

Mail a cheque payable to:

Canadian Network on Cuba
PO Box 99051 – 1245 Dupont St.
Toronto, Ontario
M6H 4H7


Send an e-Transfer to:

Solidarity with the Student Encampments! 

Freedom for Palestine! 

The Young Communist League – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste (YCL-LJC) extends our solidarity and militant greetings to the students on campuses across the country fighting for freedom in Palestine. 

The YCL-LJC welcomes the continuation of the solidarity struggle with the Palestinian people.

The world demands a ceasefire, a political and diplomatic solution to the ongoing genocide in Gaza. In response, Canada and the imperialist countries continue to reaffirm the myth of Israel’s right to defend itself. Let us be clear, there is no right to occupation, let alone a right to commit genocide. The imperialists do so in a context where the danger of globalized conflict is growing daily, particularly in the Middle East, but also elsewhere in the world. 

The mainstream corporate media in this country says the conflict that has killed 40,000 people, including 20,000 children in Gaza, began on October 7th. They do so to obscure more than a century of struggle for national liberation. The ruling class tries to criminalize any expression of solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle. The YCL-LJC denounces the attempts by the bourgeois media to frame international solidarity by peace loving forces as anti-democratic and war-mongering. 

We condemn the repression and use of force against peaceful protestors. 

The struggle of the Palestinian people is neither ethnic nor religious. This is a fight of national liberation directed against the plans of Western imperialism in the region and against its global hegemony. It is a fight for peace and international solidarity, and that is why it disturbs the warmongers, especially in a context where Western imperialists such as Canada are called to increase their military budgets.

Students, faculty, and campus workers have long been mobilized for solidarity with the cause of Palestinian liberation. A significant resurgence in the movement on campuses began in the 2007/8 school year when several local assemblies at university and Cégep campuses across Quebec voted to support the Boycott Divestment Sanction (BDS) campaign against Israel.  The organized campaign was supported by Fédération nationale des enseignantes et enseignants du Québec (FNEEQ) Quebec’s largest college level teachers union. The campaign reached a new level when the Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ), the historic student union that led the 2005 and 2012 student strikes, voted to support the international BDS campaign at a Quebec-wide level in 2008. 

Students in English speaking Canada followed the lead from the Quebec student movement, with at least 16 student unions in the rest of Canada passing resolutions in support of the Palestinian people’s cause and some if not all aspects of the BDS movement from 2012-17. 

The Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario assembly in 2014 (CFS-O) representing 300 000+ members passed a resolution endorsing the BDS campaign. This was followed by a winning motion at the CFS annual general meeting in 2018.

In 2022 alone students at Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, McGill, Concordia, and University of Toronto passed resolutions in support of the struggle of the Palestinian people and against the apartheid and occupation of Israel. This included motions calling for boycotts and/or divestments of Israel. 

This year, the Université du Québec à Montréal became the first university in Canada to have all of its student unions adopt BDS mandates.

The resolutions and motions have required immense levels of organization from students. Passing BDS endorsements have led to attacks from administrations on student democracy, including the withholding of dues in some cases. But with the brutal war on Gaza and the increased drive for settlements in the West Bank, students across Canada have answered the call and once again began to mobilize for the liberation of the Palestinian people. 

We reiterate our statement from October of last year: “We recognize ourselves in neither the ideology nor the methods of Hamas. However, we understand that its popular support is the result of decades of Zionist colonization, invasion, occupation and blockade, with the tacit support of Western governments, the manifest failure of the Oslo Accords and an ossified Palestinian Authority riddled with internal contradictions … We therefore denounce all forces that try to shift the burden of these attacks onto the Palestinian resistance, and reiterate our demands for the creation as soon as possible of a viable Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, the guarantee of the 1948 refugees’ right of return, and the dismantling of all Zionist settlements (illegal under international law). These demands may not solve the entire Palestinian problem, but they are the only ones that could pave the way for a lasting solution to this conflict. Finally, we offer our full solidarity to our sister organizations in Palestine and throughout the region”

The YCL-LJC as a member of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the largest anti imperialist youth organization in the world, reiterates the demands from our sister organisations in Palestine, such as the General Union of Palestinian Students. At our 2023 Central Convention, the highest decision making body of the YCL-LJC, we prioritized building the BDS and solidarity with Palestine movement in Canada, and exposing the profiteering of the Canadian capitalist monopolies in occupied Palestine. We commit ourselves and call on all democratic, working-class forces, unions, progressives; all supporters of true lasting world peace from coast to coast to intensify this fight and to demand:

– The creation of a viable and independent Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with UN resolutions;

– The guarantee of the right of return of the refugees of 1948;

– The denuclearization of Israel and the end of the apartheid regime;

– The severance of commercial and diplomatic relations between Canada and Israel, starting with an embargo on the shipment of weapons and military equipment, and including academic boycotts, as long as the occupation continues;

–  Canada’s positioning in favor of an immediate and unconditional ceasefire on the part of Israel;

–  Furthermore we call for Canada to withdraw from all military alliances such as NATO and NORAD and to end the senseless arms race by slashing the military budget by 75% and investing the savings into universal public social services such as free post-secondary education for all 

Palestine will live, Palestine will win!


1. We demand that Israel’s aggression and blockade on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank stop now. We call on the people to continue to take to the streets to struggle, to organize popular mobilizations against Israeli aggression all around the world.
We express our full solidarity with the Palestinian people and condemn the brutal military offensive, the inhuman blockade and the barbarous genocide by the Israel in the Gaza Strip, with thousands of dead civilians, children and elderly, deprived of food, water, medicine and electricity. We denounce the support of the USA, Britain, NATO and the EU for the Israeli offensive.

2. We condemn the decades-long Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, the killings, imprisonment, persecution and settlements. We defend the right of the Palestinian people to a free homeland, to be masters of their own land. We demand an end to the Israeli occupation, the creation and recognition of an independent Palestinian state, the cessation and dismantling of the illegal settlements in the Palestinian territories, the release of prisoners from Israeli jails, the return of refugees in accordance with UN resolution 194.The occupation of Palestine by Israel, supported by US-NATO imperialism, is the source of the suffering of the Palestinian people, and all the peoples of the region. As long as the occupation continues, the conflicts will continue, the peoples will be prevented from living in peace, they will be in danger of being caught in the vortex of a generalised war.

3. The CYOs signing the joint declaration express their internationalist solidarity and call upon the workers, the peoples, the youth, in all countries to strengthen the struggle to stop the massacre in the Gaza Strip and end the occupation of Palestine by Israel to express decisive solidarity with the just struggle of the Palestinian people.

Communist Youth Organisations signing the Joint Statement

  1.     Communist Youth of Austria
  2.     Youth Front of the Party of Labour of Austria
  3.     Bangladesh Youth Union
  4.     Young Communists of Belgium
  5.     Communist Youth of Bolivia
  6.     Communist Youth Union, Brazil
  7.     Young Communist League of Britain
  8.     Young Communist League of Canada
  9.     Young Socialists of the Socialist Workers Party of Croatia
  10.     United Democratic Youth Organization, Cyprus
  11.     Communist Youth Union, Czech Republic
  12.     Communist Youth of Denmark
  13.     Union of Communist Youth, France
  14.     Socialist German Workers Youth
  15.     Communist Youth of Greece
  16.     All India Students’ Federation
  17.     All India Youth Federation
  18.     Connolly Youth Movement, Ireland
  19.     Workers Party Youth, Ireland
  20.     Young Communist League of Israel
  21.     Front of the Communist Youth, Italy
  22.     Front of the Communist Youth, Mexico
  23.     Communist Youth Movement, Netherlands
  24.     Democratic Students Federation, Pakistan
  25.     Democratic Youth Front, Pakistan
  26.     Palestinian Communist Youth
  27.     Portuguese Communist Youth
  28.     Union of Socialist Youth, Romania
  29.     Revolutionary Communist Youth League (Bolsheviks), Russia
  30.     League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia, Serbia
  31.     Leftist Youth Front, Slovakia
  32.     Collectives of Young Communists, Spain
  33.     Socialist Students Union, Sri Lanka
  34.     Socialist Youth Union, Sri Lanka
  35.     Communist Youth of Sweden
  36.     Syrian Communist Youth Union – Khalid Bakdash Youth
  37.     Communist Youth Union of the Republic of Tajikistan
  38.     Communist Youth of Türkiye
  39.     Communist Youth of Venezuela

Solidarité avec la jeunesse communiste du Venezuela / Solidarity with the Communist Youth of Venezuela

English text follows.

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada, réunie en Congrès les 7, 8 et 9 octobre 2023, exprime son entière solidarité envers la Jeunesse communiste du Venezuela (JCV) et le Parti communiste du Venezuela (PCV) à la veille d’être frappés par la répression du gouvernement Maduro. 

En premier lieu, il convient de rappeler que notre organisation a été la seule à défendre avec  fermeté et principe la souveraineté nationale et le processus bolivarien. Nous l’avons fait alors que le parlement canadien se ralliait unanimement derrière l’appui aux sanctions, s’ingérait directement dans les affaires internes du Venezuela au point de faire partie des premières voix à reconnaître l’usurpateur criminel Juan Guaido comme président. D’ailleurs, il le reconnaît toujours alors que le monde entier s’éloigne de cette supercherie. 

De notre côté, nous continuerons évidemment à défendre la souveraineté du peuple vénézuélien et à dénoncer toute tentative de manipulation, d’ingérence et d’invasion dans les affaires internes du pays. 

Cependant, nous ne pouvons rester silencieux devant les récents évènements qui visent à rendre illégal le Parti communiste du Venezuela, premier parti politique à avoir reconnu la valeur anti-impérialiste de Chavez et du processus bolivarien. Nous ne pouvons accepter que le parti au pouvoir, le PSUV, poursuive des pourparlers avec « l’opposition » dont la plupart des éléments devraient être emprisonnés pour les crimes dont ils se sont rendus responsables au cours des dernières années (et dont nos camarades ont bien trop souvent payé les frais) alors qu’il crée de toute pièces un Parti communiste factice dans le but d’illégaliser le PCV. 

Cette dynamique n’est pas anodine. Elle témoigne du fait que devant les attaques répétées et exacerbées de l’impérialisme états-unien et de ses alliés, le gouvernement Maduro a capitulé au lieu de s’engager dans la voie véritablement révolutionnaire notamment en socialisant le secteur de l’import – export, en développant les industries industrialisantes, en procédant à une véritable réforme agraire, etc. À l’inverse, il s’est aventuré dans un compromis avec les impérialistes et la bourgeoisie comprador. C’est ainsi que la Loi organique du Travail est allègrement bafouée, les entreprises autrefois nationalisées sont privatisées, des minières canadiennes expropriées sous Chavez réapparaissent, etc.    

L’illégalisation du Parti communiste et de la jeunesse communiste n’est que l’aboutissement logique de cette dynamique. En effet, pour procéder à ce nouveau partage des rôles où le pouvoir politique reste aux mains du PSUV alors que le pouvoir économique se concentre dans les mains de l’ancienne droite continentale, il faut éliminer la seule opposition de gauche conséquente, soit le PCV. 

Ce scénario témoigne des limites du processus de libération nationale lorsque les communistes sont écartés de celui-ci. C’est pourquoi nous déclarons aujourd’hui que la défense de la souveraineté du Venezuela ne peut se faire au détriment des communistes. Au contraire, la défense de la souveraineté du peuple et de la jeunesse vénézuéliens n’est possible que grâce à l’appui à la lutte des communistes. 

En guise de conclusion, nous estimons qu’il est de bon aloi lors, d’un Congrès de la jeunesse communiste, que de se rappeler les sages conseils prodigués par l’auguste Eduardo Gallegos Mancera dans sa Lettre au jeune communiste : « tu seras presque certainement – espérons que non – objet de la répression déchainée de ceux qui résistent âprement à perdre leurs privilèges. Ne fléchis en aucun instant. L’honneur révolutionnaire prévaut sur toute éventualité, y compris la conservation de sa propre existence. Dans les moments critiques, rappelle-toi l’exemplarité de Julio Fucik, de Che Guevara et de notre Alberto Lovera. Maintiens au plus haut ta dignité de combattant. » 

Par votre courage, vous lui rendez un honneur incommensurable. Nous clôturons donc cette déclaration de la même manière que lui en septembre 1988 : « salut à toi, jeune camarade, qui devras édifier le socialisme, sois-en certain, au XXIe siècle! » 

L’étoile rouge brillera, le coq rouge chantera! 

The Young Communist League of Canada, meeting in Convention on October 7, 8 and 9, 2023, expresses its full solidarity with the Communist Youth of Venezuela (JCV) and the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) on the eve of being hit by the Maduro government’s repression.

First of all, it should be recalled that our organization has been the only one to stand firm and principled in defending national sovereignty and the Bolivarian process. We did so at a time when the Canadian Parliament was unanimously rallying behind support for sanctions, interfering directly in Venezuela’s internal affairs to the point of being among the first to recognize the criminal usurper Juan Guaido as president. In fact, it continues to do so, even as the world moves away from this deception.

For our part, we will of course continue to defend the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people and denounce all attempts at manipulation, interference, and invasion in the country’s internal affairs.

However, we cannot remain silent in the face of recent events aimed at outlawing the Communist Party of Venezuela, the first political party to recognize the anti-imperialist value of Chavez and the Bolivarian process. We cannot accept that the party in power, the PSUV, should continue talks with the “opposition,” most of whose members should be imprisoned for the crimes they have committed in recent years (and for which our comrades have all too often paid the price), while at the same time creating a dummy Communist Party out of thin air, with the aim of outlawing the PCV.

This dynamic is not insignificant. It testifies to the fact that, faced with repeated and exacerbated attacks by U.S. imperialism and its allies, the Maduro government has capitulated instead of taking the truly revolutionary path, notably by socializing the import-export sector, developing industrializing industries, carrying out genuine agrarian reform, etc. On the other hand, it ventured into a compromise with the imperialists and the comprador bourgeoisie. As a result, the Organic Labour Law was blithely flouted, formerly nationalized companies were privatized, Canadian mining companies expropriated under Chavez reappeared, and so on.    

The illegalization of the Communist Party and Communist Youth is only the logical outcome of this dynamic. Indeed, in order to achieve this new power-sharing arrangement where political power remains in the hands of the PSUV while economic power is concentrated in the hands of the former continental right, the only consistent left-wing opposition – the PCV – must be eliminated.

This scenario demonstrates the limits of the national liberation process when communists are excluded from it. This is why we declare today that the defense of Venezuela’s sovereignty cannot be achieved at the expense of the communists. On the contrary, defending the sovereignty of the Venezuelan people and youth is only possible by supporting the struggle of the communists.

To conclude, we believe that it is fitting at a YCL-LJC Convention to remember the wise advice given by the august Eduardo Gallegos Mancera in his Letter to the Young Communist: “You will almost certainly – let’s hope not – be the object of unbridled repression by those who bitterly resist losing their privileges. Do not falter in any way. Revolutionary honour prevails over any eventuality, including the preservation of one’s own existence. In critical moments, remember the example set by Julio Fucik, Che Guevara, and our own Alberto Lovera. Maintain your fighting dignity at the highest level.”

By your courage, you are honouring him immeasurably. We therefore close this declaration in the same way as he did in September 1988: “Hail to you, young comrade, who will have to build socialism, be sure of it, in the 21st century!”

The red star will shine, the red rooster will crow!