Pour une reprise favorable aux masses populaires, pas au saccage capitaliste!

Comité exécutif central, mars 2020

Nous saluons les efforts des travailleur-euses de la santé qui, dans la lutte contre la pandémie de COVID-19, continuent d’assurer les services essentiels pour répondre à cet état d’urgence. Depuis plus de 30 ans, les syndicats du service public et les organisations populaires et démocratiques n’ont cessé de lutter contre la privatisation, la perte d’emplois et les fermetures dans le domaine de la santé. Notre système de santé public arrivait à saturation avant même l’éclosion de la pandémie. Des décennies de coupes et d’austérité exposent à la maladie en particulier les travailleur-euses, les Autochtones, les personnes privées d’emploi, les personnes âgées et les moins nantis si aucune action d’urgence n’est prise. 

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For a People’s Recovery, NOT A Corporate Plunder!

Central Executive Committee, March 2020

We salute the immense efforts of healthcare workers to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and provide their essential services in a state of emergency. For over 30 years public sector unions and community organisations have struggled against privatisation, job loss, and closures in the healthcare sector. Our public healthcare system was overwhelmed before the outbreak of the global pandemic. Decades of cuts and austerity will leave working people, Indigenous peoples, the unemployed, the elderly, and the poor severely exposed unless emergency action is taken. 

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Chile: neither batons nor bullets will stop the anger of the masses

YCL-LJC Canada expresses its full solidarity with the Chilean people and youth who have been resisting the Piñera government for weeks. We stand in solidarity with the millions of peaceful demonstrators initially mobilized against a 30 pesos increase in public transport fees and call for active solidarity with their struggles. We also call on our comrades, friends and allies, the student movement, the trade unions and the progressive and democratic forces to show their solidarity with the people of Chile. Their struggle is ours, because their enemy is the same as ours: capitalism.

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The YCL-LJC and the Federal Elections 2019

Now that the Federal Election campaign is over, the YCL-LJC wishes to salute the work of the 30 candidates – with a notable amount of young people – who, throughout the country, held in difficult conditions the revolutionary flag of the Communist Party of Canada. We also salute the contribution of the YCL-LJC as a whole as a key element in the different CPC campaigns, helping providing better visibility within the youth and students. 

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Anti-communism and Vice Media : is all alternative media really progressive?

Central Executive Committee, July 24th, 2019

In an article published online on July 24th, the so-called alternative media reported on two young men, Kam McLeod and Bryer Schmegelsky, both researched by the RCMP in relation with two murders that occured in BC on July 14th. Reporting on facts revealed by the Globe and Mail linking these two individuals to ultra-right, neonazi and violent groups especially, the Vice article also states that  « on Facebook, Schmegelsky also liked the Young Communist League of Victoria page » before continuing to enumerate his gun loving activities.

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Fête nationale 2019 : vers une alliance combattive contre Legault et les grands monopoles

Déclaration de la Ligue de la jeunesse communiste et du Parti communiste du Québec, 24 juin 2019 

À l’occasion de la Fête nationale 2019, le Parti communiste ainsi que la Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Québec appellent tous les mouvements démocratiques, sociaux, syndicaux et populaires à s’unir dans une alliance combattive et militante contre le gouvernement réactionnaire et raciste de François Legault. 

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