Dump the Trump ultra-right agenda!

Central Executive Committee, YCL-LJC

Nov, 2016

The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States is a serious danger to working people in that country and around the world, including Canada. This election has resulted in a shift to the far-right in the White House, as well as both houses of government, and will likely be reflected in the judiciary. There is an immediate need to organize and unite against this dangerous new reality.

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Build the Student Struggle! All Out November 2nd!

July, 2016

This June, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) – National General Assembly voted in favour of a Day of Action on November 2nd, the first day of action since 2012. The Young Communist League – Ligue de Jeunesse Communiste (YCL-LJC) supports the call for a Pan-Canadian Day of Action on November 2nd and calls upon student militants, with the support of labour, to build momentum towards this date, and beyond, for free education and a Federal Post-Secondary Education Act.

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Solidarity with Venezuela

International Commission, YCL-LJC

Caracas, June, 2016

On the occasion of the Solidarity Mission for Venezuela organized by the World Federation of Democratic Youth from the 6th to the 7th of June, the YCL-LJC Canada expresses its full solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution, the Venezuelan people, its representatives and in particular its youth, one of the main forces for the future and the strengthening of the Revolution.

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An Injury to One is an Injury to All: Unite to Defend and Strengthen LGBTQ2SI Rights!

Joint statement from the Young Communist League of Canada and the Communist Party of Canada

June, 2016

The massacre in Orlando at the Pulse gay night club makes it clear that the struggle for the rights of LGBTQ2SI people is far from over. (NOTE: In this statement, the acronym “LGBTQ2SI” and the term “Queer” refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, gender variant, two-spirited, queer, questioning, intersex and others.)

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Ontario Liberals’ “Free Tuition” is a Lie

Student Commission, YCL-LJC

March, 2016

The fight for accessible education and free tuition in Ontario is just beginning!

The Young Communist League of Canada condemns the intensification of the attack on Ontario’s post-secondary education system (PSE) as indicated in the Ontario Liberal’s budget released at the end of February.

The Ontario Liberal government, since their election in 2003, have been intent on moving Ontario towards a multi-tiered, inaccessible and privatized system, corporatizing campuses. and tailoring the content of teaching and research to big business interests. During that time, they have doubled the average tuition fees across Ontario.

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End the Canadian Military Mission

March, 2016

The rhetoric surrounding Canada’s military mission in the Middle East is polarized along party lines – yet regardless of whether it’s the Liberals or the Conservatives, there is a shared desire to escalate Canada’s imperialist aggression. Started under Harper’s Conservatives and continued by the Trudeau Liberals, Canada’s presence in the Middle East is increasing, and intensifying the conflict. The impact on the local population is devastating – causing refugees to flee conflict areas. The Trudeau Liberals find it appropriate to pat themselves on the back in accepting a meagre amount of refugees to mitigate the effects of the humanitarian disaster they had a direct hand in creating.

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We march in memory of missing and murdered Indigenous women

Women’s Commission, YCL-LJC

February, 2016

This February 14th, like years prior, marches will be held across Canada to commemorate missing and murdered Indigenous women. Since 1980, nearly 1200 women’s names have been added to the growing list of missing and murdered Indigenous women. Despite the horror of these lost lives, the media and the police have largely ignored the cries for help from the families of these women. Their murders continue to create an atmosphere of impunity and indifference. The march to commemorate these women was founded in 1991 in Vancouver to demand an end to this silence. This February 14, the Young Communist League will join others in marches across Canada in remembrance of these stolen lives.

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Young Communists demand system change not climate change

Central Executive Committee, YCL-LJC

December, 2015

As world leaders meet in Paris to discuss a new international agreement on climate change, youth around the world are demanding climate justice. A successful result at the COP21 negotiations demands a sharp break with multinational monopoly corporations and a rejection of imperialist and market ‘solutions’ to the climate crisis. The Young Communist League of Canada joins those voices demanding this necessary fundamental change.

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End Islamophobia & War

Central Executive Committee, YCL-LJC

November, 2015

The Young Communist League of Canada mourns the lives of all civilians killed in the latest wave of mass shootings and bombings in Paris, Beiruit, Yola, Suruç, and elsewhere. Attacks targeting civilians, whether committed by individuals, sectarian groups or imperialist states are terrible crimes. We must also condemn the government of Canada’s participation in the latest bombing campaigns in Iraq and Syria which have only served to further destabilize these countries.

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