The YCL-LJC vehemently condemns the Coup d’État attempt against Venezuela perpetrated by the US, Canada, the European Union and reactionary governments in South America, including Colombia and Brazil, which represent potential back bases for US – NATO imperialism’s plans of invasion.
What the Student Choice Initiative really means, and what’s next?
Student Commission of the YCL-LJC
January 2019
On January 17th, Doug Ford’s Conservative government announced that tuition fees would be reduced by 10% under the slogan “for the people”. This benign-sounding announcement heralds an attack on students’ political power and our access to a quality, public-funded post-secondary education.
Resist Doug Ford: defend public education and the student movement
Central Executive Committee
January 2019
The YCL-LJC condemns Doug Ford’s January 17th announcement on post-secondary education and calls for all progressive organisations, including student unions, labour and all kind of on-campus groups to mobilise against this attack aimed at weakening the student fightback and at going one step further in the direction of privatisation and commodification of our education.
In a vicious way similar to the ‘free speech’ directive (that was all about empowering hate and bigoted speech on campus), Ontario’s reactionary government is playing with words and presents this new attack as a benefit for students. It furthers the provocation to the point where it announces that students’ tuition burden will be lowered by 10%. However, a closer look to the numbers makes it clear that the real goal of this announcement has very little to do with a move towards public, free education.
Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Resistance against the Trans-Canada Pipeline
Central Executive Committe, January 2019
The work of communist historian Stanley Bréhaut Ryerson clearly shows how Canada was built on Indigenous land and on the exploitation of the working class. In this regard, little has changed since then.
Solidarité avec la Résistance Wet’suwet’en
Comité exécutif central, janvier 2019
Faisant référence au Canada, l’historien communiste Stanley Ryerson affirmait que ce pays a été créé par le vol des terres autochtones et par l’exploitation de la classe ouvrière.
Malheureusement, pas grand chose a changé depuis ce temps.
Déclaration de la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des
La Fédération Mondiale de la Jeunesse Démocratique, à l’occasion de la Journée internationale des migrants célébrée le 18 décembre, exprime sa solidarité avec toutes celles et ceux qui sont contraints de quitter leur patrie et leur assure que nous continuerons à lutter pour un avenir meilleur qui offre des perspectives ainsi que de la dignité à tous les peuples.
Statement of the World Federation of Democratic Youth on the occasion of the International Migrants Day
The World Federation of Demcoratic Youth, on the occasion of the International Migrants Day on 18 December, expresses its solidarity with all those who are forced to leave their homeland and assures them that we will continue to struggle for a better future with prospect and dignity for all the people.
Solidarité avec les Franco-Ontariens!
La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste appuie la lutte de la jeunesse franco-ontarienne mobilisée pour la défense de ses droits linguistiques et appelle ses membres ainsi que les progressistes, syndicats, associations étudiantes, groups communautaires, etc. à affirmer leur solidarité envers les revendications des Franco-Ontariens.
Solidarity with Franco-Ontarians!
The Young Communist League supports the struggle of Franco-Ontarian youth mobilized for the defense of their language rights and calls on its members as well as progressives, unions, student associations, community groups, etc. to affirm their solidarity with the demands of Franco-Ontarians.
Solidarité avec les travailleur.euses postaux
La YCL-LJC dénonce la loi spéciale adoptée par le Gouvernement Trudeau le 26 novembre dernier, forçant du même coup le retour au travail des postaux en grève tournante depuis le 21 octobre dernier et sans convention collective depuis plus d’un an.