Les jeunes communistes célèbrent la Journée internationale des étudiant-es

Le 17 novembre prochain, des millions de jeunes à travers le monde célèbreront la Journée internationale des étudiant-es. Cette date marque les 80 ans après que Jan Opental et 9 autres dirigeants étudiants ont été assassinés par les forces nazies d’occupation de la Tchécoslovaquie. C’est cet épisode qui a marqué le premier acte de la résistance étudiante contre la barbarie fasciste sanguinaire. Dans la foulée, 1200 étudiant-es tchécoslovaques sont déportés dans les camps de la mort. 

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High school students carry the torch of resistance against devastating cuts!

Students in every city, and in most high schools across Ontario are walking out and playing their role as an inspiring force to wake-up our collective fight against the Ford Government. The Young Communist League of Canada fully supports high school students walking out of classrooms today at 1:15 pm to protest against the Ford Government’s unprecedented attacks on public education.

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All in support of Ontario student’s walk-out on March 20th

The YCL-LJC stands in full support of Ontario Students’ walk-out set for March 20th by the CFS Ontario, calling for free education, grants not loans, and an end to the Ford Government’s attacks on students’ rights to organize. We also call our members and all progressive organisations to support, promote and help organise this important action taking place in the context of dangerous attacks by the Ford government against social and democratic rights for which the youth, students, labour and people’s movements harshly fought for for years.

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Resist Doug Ford: defend public education and the student movement

Central Executive Committee

January 2019

The YCL-LJC condemns Doug Ford’s January 17th announcement on post-secondary education and calls for all progressive organisations, including student unions, labour and all kind of on-campus groups to mobilise against this attack aimed at weakening the student fightback and at going one step further in the direction of privatisation and commodification of our education.

In a vicious way similar to the ‘free speech’ directive (that was all about empowering hate and bigoted speech on campus), Ontario’s reactionary government is playing with words and presents this new attack as a benefit for students. It furthers the provocation to the point where it announces that students’ tuition burden will be lowered by 10%. However, a closer look to the numbers makes it clear that the real goal of this announcement has very little to do with a move towards public, free education.

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All out on November 29th for Democracy on Campus!

With Doug Ford’s so-called “Free Speech Directive”, democracy on Campus is under severe attack.

Despite its name, purposely chosen to confuse people, this directive has little to do with freedom of speech. Instead, it is crafted to open universities’ doors wide open for ultra-right forces to propagate their bigoted and inflammatory speech, targeting progressive student groups and people, including student and labour unions on campus, and jeopardizing the independence of universities.

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Doug Ford’s “Free Speech” directive is a severe attack on students and progressive peoples’ rights!

The YCL-LJC joins forces with organizations across Ontario to denounce the so-called “free speech” directive passed by Doug Ford’s provincial government and urges all progressive and democratic students to oppose and resist this directive by all means possible. We encourage young people across Canada to express their solidarity with students in Ontario.

Passed in August, this directive purports to defend freedom of expression in Ontario universities by denying funding to those who, by January 1, have not complied with the directive through bylaws, policies, or other mechanisms designed to counter any restrictions on this right; a fundamental principle already protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Those deemed to have violated said policies would also be subject to individual punishment by the school. The HEQCO (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario) is tasked with auditing the performance of this resolution – if the school is deemed not to have sufficiently enforced these policies, the HEQCO may report this to the Ontario government, which will then threaten their funding. This use of funding as leverage for compliance with government policy is undemocratic and unconstitutional.

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