Solidarity with Iran, no to western intervention!

The Young Communist League – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste stands in solidarity with young people in Iran and their uprising in defence of peace, sovereignty, human and democratic rights, and social justice. We wholeheartedly endorse the statements of the World Federation of Democratic Youth and our sister organization the Tudeh Youth of Iran.

The heinous murder of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman by the ‘morality police’ in Tehran has sparked protests across Iran. Young people and students have been at the frontlines of the struggle, with protests at elementary and high schools as well at almost every university campus. The ​​Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations has played an important militant role and we salute the courageous struggle of teachers standing with their students and connecting the democratic and economic struggles. Despite deadly violent repression from the state that has taken the lives of young people and students, the protests have shown no sign of slowing down. 

The demands of the people have quickly transcended from justice for Mahsa Amini the abolition of the reactionary and hated ‘morality police,’ and even the end of the theocratic regime, as is evident in the slogans of the struggle: “Death to the oppressor, whether he is a king or a Supreme Leader!”; “From Kurdistan to Tabriz, our patience has run out!”; “If we don’t stand together, we will die one by one!”; and of course the rallying cry heard around the world that centres the systemic exploitation and oppression of women in Iran, “Women, Life, Freedom!”

As the protest movement in Iran widens, we can also detect certain attempts by reactionary forces in the Middle East, and their North American and EU imperialist backers, to take advantage of the situation to advance their own interests. The YCL-LJC concurs with the denunciations by Iranian progressive forces of these hypocritical attempts.

We also condemn the murderous bombing campaign by Iran and NATO member Turkey in Kurdish regions of Iraq. Civilian infrastructure, including schools, was unjustifiably hit in a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of the people of Iraq.

We know that Canadian imperialism has pushed for further sanctions on Iran that have devastated the working class and the oppressed in Iran first and foremost. The federal Liberal government and its NDP backers have maintained the 2012 Conservative decision to break all diplomatic relations with Iran, which harms working-class people in Canada and Iran. If the Canadian government is going to sanction government officials for systemic violence by state security forces against women, it should start with itself. Canadian police have a history of persistent neglect of the cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. A report to the Canadian Senate released earlier this year outlines a long ongoing history of forced sterilizations of women in Canada, “including as a strategy to subjugate and eliminate First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples,” which also disproportionately affected other vulnerable groups, including Black and racialized women and persons with disabilities.

We stand in full solidarity with our comrades of the Tudeh Youth of Iran, the working class, and the progressive student movement as they struggle to widen and unite the forces for a democratic, secular, progressive movement in Iran. We wish to express our utmost solidarity with the family and friends of Mahsa Amini, as well as all victims of the ‘morality police’ and theocratic regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We denounce any attempt by Canadian imperialist forces and their NATO allies to use this situation as a pretext for further imperialist aggression and interference. We reiterate that the future of Iran and its political system is a matter that should be determined by the Iranian people and them alone. We salute the mobilizations and the dignified demands for peace, sovereignty, human and democratic rights, and social justice taking place right now in Iran.

La Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique est solidaire de la révolution cubaine

Cette déclaration a été adaptée d’un fil Twitter de la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique, initialement publié le 12 juillet 2021.

La Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique réitère son soutien à la Révolution cubaine, à sa jeunesse et à son peuple et nous dénonçons le blocus criminel contre Cuba visa à déstabiliser le pays. Le blocus criminel des États-Unis contre Cuba a de graves répercussions sur sa jeunesse et son peuple, a été dénoncé à d’innombrables reprises et ne vise qu’à mettre fin à sa souveraineté populaire et à imposer les intérêts de l’impérialisme à Cuba.

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Cessez les attaques anti-communistes en Allemagne! Solidarité avec le DKP, la SDAJ, et Junge Welt!

Comité exécutif central de la YCJ-LJC, 12 juillet 2021

Le Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (Parti communiste allemand, DKP) a annoncé jeudi qu’il pourrait être interdit de participer à la prochaine élection du Bundestag en Allemagne, le directeur du scrutin fédéral invoquant un retard dans la soumission des rapports annuels comme cause de l’interdiction. Alors que l’Allemagne souffre de la montée de la droite et de sa plus grande récession économique depuis la création de l’État actuel, cette interdiction empêcherait une voix progressiste essentielle de se battre pour la paix et le désarmement, l’augmentation des services sociaux et l’égalité économique, et davantage de droits pour les jeunes travailleur-ses et les étudiant-es au Bundestag.

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The World Federation of Democratic Youth Stands in Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution / Desde la Federación Mundial de la Juventud Democrática reiteramos nuestro apoyo a la Revolución Cubana

This statement was adapted from the World Federation of Democratic Youth’s Twitter thread, originally posted on July 12, 2021.

The World Federation of Democratic Youth reiterates its support for the Cuban Revolution, its youth and its people and we denounce the criminal blockade against Cuba and that is being used to destabilize the island. The criminal blockade of the United States against Cuba has serious repercussions against its youth and its people, has been denounced on countless occasions and only seeks to put an end to its popular sovereignty and to impose the interests of imperialism on Cuba.

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Déclaration de solidarité avec la grève générale : la jeunesse palestinienne manifeste pour la libération

Comité éxecutif centrale, 18 mai 2021

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada exprime sa plus grande solidarité avec la grève générale en Palestine occupée et en Israël. L’action historique d’aujourd’hui dans la lutte pour l’autodétermination est menée par une génération de jeunes qui ont toujours vécu sous l’occupation ou l’apartheid, et qui ont pourtant montré au monde leur force dans l’unité.

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Statement of Solidarity with the General Strike: Young Palestinians are Marching for Liberation!

Central executive committee, 18 May 2021

The Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada extends our utmost solidarity with the general strike in occupied Palestine and Israel. Today’s historic action for self-determination is led by a generation of young people who have always lived under occupation or apartheid, and yet have shown the world their strength in unity.

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