International Women’s Day Greetings from the YCL-LJC 

On the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Day, the Central Executive Committee of the Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du canada extends revolutionary greetings to all those struggling for women’s rights. 

This International Women’s Day, the YCL-LJC espouses the interrelating pillars of the Women’s International Democratic Federation: anti-fascism, lasting peace, women’s rights, and better conditions for children.

Working conditions remain at the forefront of the struggle for equality and women’s rights. On average in Canada, women working full time earn 75 cents for every dollar earned by men. The gender pay gap in Canada is one of the worst in the world at nearly double the global average. Despite legislation since the 1970s outlawing pay inequity among genders, the gender pay gap exists across all industries in Canada. 

The gender pay gap is more than double in the private sector than it is in the public sector. The significantly higher union density in the public sector contributes to this. Organized labour has played the decisive role in the push for women’s rights in Canada. Notably, the 1979 Common Front in Quebec and the 1981 Canadian Union of Postal Workers 42-day strike paved the way for paid maternity leave for all working moms in the country. 

Banking and financial services have the highest percentage of women workers and the largest pay gap of all the federally regulated private sector industries, with 54.7 percent of women employees in that sector and a wage gap of 82 cents for every dollar earned by men in the sector.

As young communists, we need to agitate for a public monopoly on social services, with universal, not tiered or qualified access. Increasing the social wage with childcare, education, healthcare, transportation, social housing will disproportionately benefit women facing oppression and lower compensation. Increasing social services also means more quality unionized jobs in sectors with a higher portion of women workers such as healthcare, education, and civil service administration. 

There is no equality possible in the face of war and genocide. “Fighting to defend the rights of women” is frequently used in propaganda calling for military intervention. Peace is a requirement for equality. Women are always the first victims of war, their rights are ignored and delayed as their homes, their families and their communities are destroyed. Peace is a women’s rights issue. 

We express full solidarity with the women of Palestine, and our support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel, which is attempting a genocide of the Palestinian people with the backing of the imperialist powers.

Cuban women have suffered over 60 years of an illegal blockade. This is an extra-territorial imposition on the nations of the world to force them to abide by a policy decision of the United States. We call on the United States to abide by the will of the world and stop the criminal blockade of Cuba.

Communists have always taken up the call for increased gender equality, and have continuously fought for accessible childcare, reproductive healthcare, truly equal pay rates, and higher rates of education for women and gender-oppressed people.

Oppression strengthens and reinforces the exploitation of one class over another. Today and tomorrow, the YCL-LJC remains committed to the fight against all forms of oppression.

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada condamne sans équivoque l’attaque terroriste contre l’ambassade de Cuba à Washington. Young Communist League of Canada unequivocally condemns the terrorist attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington.

see below for english text

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada condamne sans équivoque l’attaque terroriste contre l’ambassade de Cuba à Washington.

Dans la soirée du dimanche 24 septembre, la mission diplomatique cubaine aux États-Unis a été attaquée par des terroristes armés de cocktails Molotov. Il s’agit de la deuxième attaque contre la mission au cours des dernières années.

Les terroristes anti-cubains ont eu toute latitude pour attaquer Cuba, faire exploser un avion de ligne cubain, lancer une invasion de Cuba soutenue par l’armée américaine, faire des centaines de tentatives d’assassinat de dirigeants cubains, poser des bombes tuant des milliers de Cubains, utiliser la guerre chimique et biologique pour détruire les récoltes et les animaux, rendant malades et tuant des milliers de personnes, et ce pendant six décennies. Ces faits sont bien fondés et connus dans le monde entier.

Le YCL-LJC réitère son soutien au peuple cubain et à sa révolution, ainsi que sa solidarité sans faille avec son organisation sœur, l’Union des jeunes communistes de Cuba (UJC). La construction du mouvement de solidarité avec Cuba au Canada continue d’être une priorité pour notre travail en tant que jeunes communistes.

Les contributions de Cuba à la classe ouvrière internationale sont anciennes et variées. Qu’il s’agisse du soutien aux mouvements anti-impérialistes et de libération nationale dans le monde, y compris les innombrables gestes de solidarité envers la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique (FMJD) et le Festival mondial de la jeunesse et des étudiants (FMJE), ou des actes désintéressés de Cuba dans le monde de la santé et de l’assainissement, y compris le soutien aux catastrophes naturelles et le travail récent de la Brigade Henry Reeve pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, Cuba a montré qu’elle était l’amie des peuples du monde entier, engagée en faveur du progrès et de la paix.

La jeunesse anti-impérialiste sera toujours aux côtés de nos frères et sœurs de Cuba qui, réciproquement, ont toujours contribué au développement de cette lutte commune pour un monde libéré de l’exploitation et de l’oppression sous toutes leurs formes. Nous ne pouvons pas oublier les contributions fondamentales et continues de l’UJC à la FMJD, à la fois en occupant le poste de secrétaire général de l’organisation et en contribuant à l’avancement de nos analyses et de notre lutte collective. Nous ne pouvons pas non plus oublier le geste altruiste de Fidel Castro pour réactiver le mouvement des FMJE, qui a été, après presque une décennie sans festivals et à un moment difficile pour la jeunesse anti-impérialiste et le mouvement dans son ensemble, d’accueillir pour la deuxième fois un FMJE, la XIVe édition, à La Havane en 1997 pour relancer cet événement très pertinent.

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada condamne ces actes terroristes qui s’intensifient et qui doivent être stoppés dès maintenant par la condamnation publique et l’intervention du gouvernement canadien et des mouvements syndicaux et démocratiques. Le silence n’est pas une option.

En outre, Cuba doit être retiré de la liste américaine des États soutenant le terrorisme, et le blocus économique et les sanctions des États-Unis à l’encontre de Cuba doivent être levés immédiatement.

¡No más bloqueo!

¡Hasta la victoria siempre!

The Young Communist League of Canada unequivocally condemns the terrorist attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington. 

On the evening of Sunday, September 24, the Cuban diplomatic mission in the United States was attacked by terrorists armed with Molotov cocktails. This is the second attack on the mission in recent years.

Anti-Cuban terrorists have had a free hand to attack Cuba, to blow up a Cuban airliner, launch an invasion of Cuba supported by the U.S. military, make hundreds of attempts to assassinate Cuban leaders, plant bombs killing thousands of Cubans, use chemical and biological

warfare to destroy crops and animals, sickening and killing thousands of people – for six decades. These are facts that are well-founded and well known around the world.

The YCL-LJC reiterates our support for the Cuban people and its revolution, and our unrelenting solidarity with our sister organization the Communist Youth Union of Cuba (UJC). Building the Cuba solidarity movement in Canada continues to be a priority for our work as young communists.

Cuba’s contributions to the international working class are long-standing and wide-ranging. From the support of anti-imperialist and national liberation movements around the world, including countless gestures of solidarity toward the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) and the World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS), to Cuba’s selfless acts in the world of health and sanitation, including natural disaster support and the recent work of the Henry Reeve Brigade during the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuba has shown itself to be a friend of peoples around the world, committed to progress and peace.

The anti-imperialist youth will always be with our brothers and sisters of Cuba who, reciprocally, have always contributed to the development of this common struggle for a world free of exploitation and oppression of any kind. We cannot forget the continuous fundamental contributions of the UJC to WFDY, both by holding the General Secretary of the organization and by contributing to the advancement of our collective analyses and struggle. Nor can we forget the altruistic gesture led by Fidel Castro to reactivate the movement of the WFYS, which was, after almost a decade without festivals and at a difficult time for anti-imperialist youth and the movement as a whole, to host for the second time a WFYS, the XIVth edition, in Havana in 1997 to relaunch this highly relevant event.

The Young Communist League of Canada – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste du Canada  condemns these terrorist acts, which are escalating, and which must be stopped now with the public condemnation and intervention of the Canadian government and labour and democratic movements. Silence is not an option.

Further, Cuba must be removed from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, and the U.S. economic blockade and sanctions against Cuba must be lifted now.

¡No más bloqueo!

¡Hasta la victoria siempre! 


Declaration from World Federation of Democratic Youth member organizations

Through a joint communiqué, more than 20 youth organizations from different parts of the world expressed their concern at the “advance of dangerous actions aimed at violating the political and democratic rights of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV)”.

The declaration was issued between May 26-28, 2023, when the General Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth was taking place in Havana, Cuba, where the signatory organizations met to reaffirm their anti-imperialist and democratic positions and their unwavering struggle for peace and social justice for all the peoples of the world.

The declaration is reproduced below:

Hands off the JCV and PCV!

The undersigned youth organizations express our concern over information coming from Venezuela about the advance of dangerous actions aimed at violating the political and democratic rights of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV).

We advocate respect for the historic right won by the workers to organize their own political parties independently of the bourgeoisie and the governments of the day. In this sense, we demand that the political and democratic rights of the PCV be guaranteed, and that the decisions adopted by the XVI National Congress of the PCV held in November 2022 be respected, within the framework of its statutes and principles of internal democracy.

We call on the government and institutions of Venezuela to halt their plans that threaten the democratic freedoms and the legitimate right to exist and struggle of the Communist Party and the Communist Youth of Venezuela.

We express our solidarity and support to the Communist Youth of Venezuela (JCV), member organization of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) since 1947, and whose right to exist is also seriously threatened if the maneuvers to assault and intervene the PCV prosper.

We reiterate our firm solidarity with the people and youth of Venezuela in the face of imperialist interference and illegal criminal sanctions, as well as with the legitimate struggles of Venezuelan workers for living wages.


Solidarité avec l’Iran, non à l’intervention occidentale!

La Ligue de la jeunesse communiste affirme sa solidarité avec la jeunesse iranienne et son soulèvement pour la défense de la paix, de la souveraineté, des droits humains et démocratiques et de la justice sociale. Nous appuyons pleinement les déclarations de la Fédération mondiale de la jeunesse démocratique et de notre organisation sœur, la Jeunesse du Tudeh d’Iran.

L’abject meurtre de Mahsa Amini, une jeune femme kurde de 22 ans, par la « police des mœurs » à Téhéran a suscité des manifestations dans tout l’Iran. Les jeunes et les étudiant-es sont en première ligne de la lutte, avec des actions de protestation dans les écoles primaires et secondaires ainsi que sur presque tous les campus universitaires. Le Conseil de coordination des associations professionnelles d’enseignant-es iranien-nes a joué un rôle militant important et nous saluons le combat courageux des enseignant-es qui se tiennent aux côtés de leurs étudiant-es et qui de ce fait relient les luttes démocratiques aux luttes économiques. En dépit de la répression violente et meurtrière de l’État, qui a entraîné la mort de jeunes et d’étudiant-es, les manifestations ne montrent aucun signe de ralentissement.

Les revendications du peuple se sont rapidement étendues au-delà du cas de Mahsa Amini pour inclure l’abolition de la « police de la moralité » réactionnaire et détestée, et même la fin du régime théocratique, comme en témoignent les slogans de la lutte : « Mort à l’oppresseur, qu’il s’agisse d’un roi ou d’un guide suprême! » ; « Du Kurdistan à Tabriz, notre patience est à bout! » ; « Si nous ne sommes pas solidaires, nous mourrons un par un! » ; et bien sûr, le cri de ralliement entendu dans le monde entier qui centre l’exploitation et l’oppression systémiques des femmes en Iran : « Femmes, vie, liberté! ».

Alors que le mouvement de protestation en Iran s’élargit, nous pouvons également constater que les forces réactionnaires du Moyen-Orient et leurs soutiens impérialistes d’Amérique du Nord et de l’Union européenne tentent de profiter de la situation pour promouvoir leurs propres intérêts. La YCL-LJC partage les dénonciations des forces progressistes iraniennes vis-à-vis de ces efforts hypocrites.

Nous condamnons également la campagne de bombardements meurtriers menée par l’Iran et la Turquie, cette dernière membre de l’OTAN, dans les régions kurdes d’Irak. Des infrastructures civiles, y compris des écoles, ont été frappées de manière injustifiée, en violation flagrante de la souveraineté du peuple irakien.

Nous savons que l’impérialisme canadien a fait pression pour la mise en place de nouvelles sanctions contre l’Iran, sanctions dévastatrices en tout premier lieu pour la classe ouvrière et les personnes les plus opprimés en Iran. Le gouvernement libéral fédéral et ses partisans du NPD ont maintenu la décision prise par les conservateurs en 2012 de rompre toutes les relations diplomatiques avec l’Iran. Cette politique nuit à la classe ouvrière du Canada et à celle de l’Iran. Si le gouvernement canadien entend sanctionner des responsables gouvernementaux en raison de la violence systémique des forces de sécurité de ce pays à l’égard des femmes, il devrait commencer par se sanctionner lui-même. La police canadienne a toujours négligé les dossiers concernant les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues ou assassinées. De plus, un rapport présenté au Sénat canadien au début de l’année fait état d’une longue histoire de stérilisations forcées de femmes au Canada, « notamment en tant que stratégie de soumission et d’élimination des peuples des Premières nations, des Métis et des Inuits », qui a également touché de manière disproportionnée d’autres groupes vulnérables, notamment les femmes noires et racisées et les personnes handicapées.

Nous sommes entièrement solidaires avec nos camarades de la Jeunesse du Tudeh d’Iran, avec la classe ouvrière et avec le mouvement étudiant progressiste dans leur lutte pour accroître et unifier les forces en faveur d’un mouvement démocratique, laïc et progressiste en Iran. Nous souhaitons exprimer notre plus grande solidarité avec la famille et les amis de Mahsa Amini, ainsi qu’avec toutes les victimes de la « police de la moralité » et du régime théocratique de la République islamique d’Iran. Nous dénonçons toute tentative des forces impérialistes canadiennes et de leurs alliés de l’OTAN d’utiliser la situation actuelle comme prétexte à une nouvelle agression et à l’ingérence impérialiste. Nous réaffirmons que l’avenir de l’Iran et son système politique sont des questions qui doivent être déterminées par le peuple iranien et lui seul. Nous saluons les mobilisations et les revendications justes pour la paix, la souveraineté, les droits humains et démocratiques, et la justice sociale qui prennent place en ce moment même en Iran.

Solidarity with Iran, no to western intervention!

The Young Communist League – Ligue de la jeunesse communiste stands in solidarity with young people in Iran and their uprising in defence of peace, sovereignty, human and democratic rights, and social justice. We wholeheartedly endorse the statements of the World Federation of Democratic Youth and our sister organization the Tudeh Youth of Iran.

The heinous murder of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman by the ‘morality police’ in Tehran has sparked protests across Iran. Young people and students have been at the frontlines of the struggle, with protests at elementary and high schools as well at almost every university campus. The ​​Coordinating Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations has played an important militant role and we salute the courageous struggle of teachers standing with their students and connecting the democratic and economic struggles. Despite deadly violent repression from the state that has taken the lives of young people and students, the protests have shown no sign of slowing down. 

The demands of the people have quickly transcended from justice for Mahsa Amini the abolition of the reactionary and hated ‘morality police,’ and even the end of the theocratic regime, as is evident in the slogans of the struggle: “Death to the oppressor, whether he is a king or a Supreme Leader!”; “From Kurdistan to Tabriz, our patience has run out!”; “If we don’t stand together, we will die one by one!”; and of course the rallying cry heard around the world that centres the systemic exploitation and oppression of women in Iran, “Women, Life, Freedom!”

As the protest movement in Iran widens, we can also detect certain attempts by reactionary forces in the Middle East, and their North American and EU imperialist backers, to take advantage of the situation to advance their own interests. The YCL-LJC concurs with the denunciations by Iranian progressive forces of these hypocritical attempts.

We also condemn the murderous bombing campaign by Iran and NATO member Turkey in Kurdish regions of Iraq. Civilian infrastructure, including schools, was unjustifiably hit in a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of the people of Iraq.

We know that Canadian imperialism has pushed for further sanctions on Iran that have devastated the working class and the oppressed in Iran first and foremost. The federal Liberal government and its NDP backers have maintained the 2012 Conservative decision to break all diplomatic relations with Iran, which harms working-class people in Canada and Iran. If the Canadian government is going to sanction government officials for systemic violence by state security forces against women, it should start with itself. Canadian police have a history of persistent neglect of the cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls. A report to the Canadian Senate released earlier this year outlines a long ongoing history of forced sterilizations of women in Canada, “including as a strategy to subjugate and eliminate First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples,” which also disproportionately affected other vulnerable groups, including Black and racialized women and persons with disabilities.

We stand in full solidarity with our comrades of the Tudeh Youth of Iran, the working class, and the progressive student movement as they struggle to widen and unite the forces for a democratic, secular, progressive movement in Iran. We wish to express our utmost solidarity with the family and friends of Mahsa Amini, as well as all victims of the ‘morality police’ and theocratic regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. We denounce any attempt by Canadian imperialist forces and their NATO allies to use this situation as a pretext for further imperialist aggression and interference. We reiterate that the future of Iran and its political system is a matter that should be determined by the Iranian people and them alone. We salute the mobilizations and the dignified demands for peace, sovereignty, human and democratic rights, and social justice taking place right now in Iran.

Stop Anti-Communist Attacks in Germany! Solidarity with the DKP, SDAJ, and Junge Welt!

YCL-LJC Central Executive Committee, July 12, 2021

The Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (German Communist Party, DKP) announced on Thursday that they may be barred from participating in the upcoming Bundestag election in Germany, with the Federal Returning Officer citing a delay in submitting annual reports as the cause for the ban. As Germany suffers under the rise of the right and its greatest economic downturn since the establishment of the current state, this ban would prevent an essential progressive voice from fighting for peace and disarmament, increased social services and economic equality, and more rights for young workers and students in the Bundestag.

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World Day for Safety and Health at Work

An Injury to One is An Injury to All! 

April 28th marks the Workers’ Day of Mourning in Canada and the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. To mourn for the fallen is to fight for the living. The YCL-LJC expresses solidarity with all workers of the world, who directly or indirectly have paid for employer negligence of health and safety measures at the workplace. 

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Immediately release our detained comrades! YCL-LJC stands in solidarity with TKG and students of the Boğaziçi University!

YCL-LJC CEC, 5 February 2021

On January 1st of this year the President of Turkey made an unprecedented intervention into Boğaziçi University. He blatantly violated the democratic rights of students and workers by installing a militant from his far-right Justice and Development Party (AKP) as head of the University in lieu of the scheduled elections. The provocative move was met with organized demonstrations of protest from students. The state security forces moved quickly, locking down the campus; sending in waves of armoured riot police to assault students and workers; infiltrating plain clothes agent provocateurs inside the locked down campus; and raiding the homes of students in the middle of the night to take them to jail, labelling the students as ‘terrorists’ as the police detain more and more each day.  

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75 Years of the World Federation of Democratic Youth: A Legacy of Peace, Anti-Imperialism, and International Friendship

YCL-LJC Central Executive Committee, November 10, 2020

November 10th, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY). Taking place in Budapest, Hungary among the still-burning embers of the Second World War, the 1945 World Youth Conference sought to unite youth against the forces of fascism and war, and to fight for a brighter future for the young people of the world. This initial conference, just a small taste of what was to come, included representatives across ethnicities, nations, religions, and backgrounds from 63 different countries. Pledging to fight for peace and international solidarity, WFDY quickly expanded, earning itself consultative status with the United Nations’ Economic and Social Council, being presented with the Peace Messenger Award by the UN General Secretary in 1987, and soon representing youth and students from nearly 100 different countries. 

WFDY has also organized the World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS) since its inauguration in 1947. Held regularly since its debut in Prague, Czechoslovakia, the Festival has historically served as a meeting place for progressive youth from around the world, hosting participants from all corners of the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia and organizing large cross-cultural actions against imperialism and for peace. WFYS, like the World Federation of Democratic Youth, was built from young peoples’ commitment to peace and class-conscious solidarity following the global devastation of WWII, and has always sought to reject war, fascism, and racism, and to forge strong connections across the world. The most recent WFYS took place in Sochi, Russia, in 2017 and included 30,000 participants from 185 countries; it carried the slogan “For peace, solidarity and social justice, we struggle against imperialism. Honouring our past, we build the future!” Before 2017, the biggest Festival by countries participating was the 13th, which took place in Pyongyang, DPR Korea in 1989, and included 22,000 participants from 177 different countries, including a large delegation headed by the YCL-LJC.

Five YCLers hold up the banner of the Pan-Canadian Delegation at 2017's World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi. General Secretary Ivan Byard raises his fist. The banner is blue and reads "19th WFYS/19e FMJE: Délegation Pancanadienne" Behind them are many young people, most holding red flags. Also in the background are a large group of Cuban and Vietnamese flags and a mountain range.
YCLers at the 2017 World Festival of Youth and Students in Sochi, Russia

As a long-time member of WFDY, the YCL-LJC has been responsible for organizing a Pan-Canadian delegation to the World Festival of Youth and Students. These Pan-Canadian delegations are, crucially, representative not only of Anglo-Canada, but of the numerous national minorities within Canada: from Indigenous and First Nations to Franco-Canadian minorities and Quebec. These broad delegations have sought to unite youth from all nations across Canada who strive for peace, international solidarity, and justice, and to exchange knowledge with other international delegations at the Festival. This long-standing YCL-LJC tradition has, at each Festival, made its impact: in the Rebel Youth report-back from the 1989 WFYS in Pyongyang, one Canadian delegate noted that, of the 20,000 delegates to the Festival, the largest, loudest, and most visible centre of Indigenous participation was the Pan-Canadian delegation. Of course, YCL-LJC participation extends far outside the scope of the WFYS: most recently, at WFDY’s 20th Assembly in Cyprus (2019), the YCL-LJC was elected as sole representative from North America on the Federation’s General Council, joining 35 other progressive youth organizations from across the world.

Member organizations of the World Federation of Democratic Youth have been making great strides in the realm of peace and solidarity. Over the past few months, youth in Bangladesh, India, and elsewhere have been securing and distributing food and PPE to those affected by COVID-19, and have even been working in healthcare. Recently, comrades in Lebanon, Turkey, Britain, and elsewhere have been fundraising and participating in on-the-ground relief work following the explosion in Beirut and the earthquake that shook Greece and Turkey. These actions are in addition to the regular schools, local actions, and solidarity efforts undertaken by young comrades worldwide.

The World Federation of Democratic Youth continues to be an essential force in today’s international political landscape. As the forces of imperialism, racism, and capitalism grow stronger, WFDY youth band together to strengthen the call for peace. The YCL-LJC is proud to be a WFDY member, and to work with a diverse, unified, and bellicose group of youth carrying the banner of peace, justice, and solidarity. We, along with the progressive youth of the world, affirm our commitment to anti-imperialism and peace on this 75th anniversary of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, and look forward to a future of further WFDY work, more militant and joyous meetings at the World Festival of Youth and Students, and many more years of fighting for a better future for young people. Youth unite for lasting peace!

To celebrate their 75th anniversary, the World Federation of Democratic Youth hosted an online panel and webinar. It can be watched in full here.

La YCL-LJC en solidarité avec les jeunes manifestant-e-s à Lesbos: Fermer les camps de concentration et libérer tou-te-s les détenu-e-s!

Comité exécutif central, 20 septembre 2020

Le Comité central de la YCL-LJC exprime sa plus grande solidarité avec les jeunes manifestant-e-s au Centre d’accueil et d’identification (CAI) sur l’île de Lesbos. Le récent incendie du camp du CAI a dévasté à la fois les résident-e-s de Lesbos et les réfugié-e-s et immigrant-e-s détenu-e-s. Le projet de l’Union européenne (UE) visant à reloger les détenu-e-s dans un autre CAI inhumain et dangereux doit être rejeté.

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