Western Imperialism is Responsible for Escalating Tensions in the Middle East

Central Executive Committee, January 2020

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The YCL-LJC strongly condemns and expresses utmost concern at the events that have transpired in the Middle East over the past couple weeks as a result of US imperialist aggression.

On January 3rd, the assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani on Iraqi soil, ordered by Donald Trump himself, was a violation of both Iraq and Iran’s sovereignty and a provocation that has intensified and increased tension in the region. This act of war was followed by retaliatory rocket strikes launched by Iranian forces, leading to further tensions in the region and Iran’s downing of the Ukrainian Airlines plane, which tragically resulted in the death of 176 civilians, 63 of which were Canadian. The subsequent inflammatory statements by the United States President and the move to send thousands of American soldiers to the area represents another step towards the danger of  further aggression and war in an already unstable region.

As young communists, our anti-imperialist fight is rooted in the resistance of the working class and popular masses against their oppressors. This means we also stand in solidarity with progressive movements in Iran, while strongly condemning any western intervention within these struggles. In our context, the best way to support these popular struggles  is by fighting against imperialism. From our side of the world, our main duty is to ensure that the people of Iran do not face war while simultaneously struggling against their local exploiters. War on Iran would undoubtedly weaken popular movements.

When the government of the United States made the extremely provocative move to assassinate the General of sovereign country, it was certainly not done in ‘Self Defense’. Simply consider the military expenditures of the United States -one of the most significant armed forces in history. It is higher than that of Great Britain, France, China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, India, and Russia combined. In committing such a heinous act of war, Trump is sending a clear message to the people of the world; Yankee imperialism will stop at nothing to affirm its hegemony. It is the iron law of Capitalism in its highest stage, Imperialism, that there be no room for nations, states, or peoples whose development is not in total harmony with the aims of the leading imperialist bloc. As history has shown, any deterrence to the Imperialists’ grip on natural resources, the means of production and a docile labour force has been wiped out through the use of war and militarism.

Furthermore, while we welcome Justin Trudeau’s latest statement regarding the crash of the Ukrainian Airlines plane that was brought down by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, we will not disregard Canada’s role, as members of NATO, in destabilizing the region. It is overall positive that Trudeau targets the recent escalation of tensions as a factor responsible for this tragedy. It is a clear rupture with Trump’s warmongering position targeting Iran, and should be welcomed by all peace-minded people in Canada. However, it must be noted that despite this declaration – perhaps motivated by Trudeau’s government’s will to be elected at the Security Council of the UN -, no sanctions have been lifted on Iran

and no diplomatic relations have been restored, such as the opening of Iranian Embassies within Canada. Moreover,  the leading role the Canadian Armed Forces played in the NATO mission in Iraq, as well as the increase in the military budget by 73%, are all signs that leave no doubt as to the warmongering role the Canadian ruling class is preparing to play.

Thus, the YCL-LJC reiterates its long standing position in favor of a new Canadian foreign policy based not on complicity with the Canadian ruling class, but on peace and international solidarity. An important first step to achieve this would be to immediately repatriate Canadian soldiers posted outside the country, and immediately withdraw from NATO, NORAD and other warmongering and interventionist cartels such as the Lima Group or the Core Group.

The YCL-LJC strives to participate in strengthening the anti-imperialist struggle at home. We stand in solidarity with the international Day of Action demanding No War on Iran, taking place on January 25th, and encourage all peace-loving activists to participate in the various rallies being organized. We also believe that recent events in the Middle East prove the correctness of our appeal on April 4 demanding Canada’s immediate withdrawal from NATO. We reiterate this call as one of the most urgent tasks for our generation, and call on all progressive people who care about world peace to sign our petition and relay this call to as many people as possible. We particularly appeal to the workers ‘and students’ unions to use their mobilizing capacity in this direction, in the same way as they relayed the call to support the fight against climate change.

Environmental destruction and the danger of war are the two most important dangers facing humanity. In both cases, some will fare better than others. In the case of war, it is never those who start it who pay the price. These may be their wars, but these are our dead.