Say his name: George Floyd

Central Executive Committee, June 2020

The YCL-LJC expresses full and unwavering support for those fighting for justice for George Floyd, Regis Korchinsky-Paquet, and all others murdered by police in white-supremacist violence. Alongside their communities, we mourn the lives of George Floyd, a black man murdered by police in Minneapolis and Regis Korchinsky-Paquet, an Afro-Indigenous woman murdered by police in Toronto. Solidarity actions continue to take place across North America, with thousands taking to the streets to demand justice. The corporate media continues to call it looting, violence and disorder, however those who fight on the side of justice call it an uprising, a rebellion, and class-struggle.

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La PCUE ne répond pas aux besoins des étudiant-es

La YCL-LJC rejette les limites prohibitives de la Prestation canadienne d’urgence pour les étudiant-es (PCUE) et exprime la nécessité urgente qu’y soient inclus tous les étudiant-es sans les confiner à la pauvreté. Alors qu’ils ont enfin accès à un plan d’urgence, la PCUE ne répond pas aux problèmes fondamentaux liés à la condition d’étudiant-e. Nous rejetons également la nécessité de prouver être à la recherche d’un emploi d’été (souvent rémunéré au lance-pierres et sans doute dans des conditions sanitaires précaires) pour y avoir accès tout en devant également se consacrer aux études. 

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CESB does not answer students’ needs

The YCL-LJC rejects the narrow limitations for the CESB (Canadian Emergency Student Benefit) and expresses the urgent necessity to include all students without confining them to poverty. While students can finally access their own emergency plan the CESB does not address the fundamental problems with the condition of students. We also reject the need to provide documentation to be constantly looking for work that pays poverty wages in unsafe conditions to receive such benefit while still trying to balance commitments to studies.

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La YCL-LJC salue le peuple palestinien à l’occasion de la Nakba

Comité exécutif central, 14 mai 2020

À l’occasion des commémorations de la Nakba, la YCL-LJC réitère son appui le plus sincère envers le peuple palestinien et condamne fermement l’annexion et la colonisation de territoires palestiniens par Israël. Cette journée souligne, pour les Palestinien-nes, les déplacements forcés que des milliers d’entre eux ont eu à subir à la suite de la Déclaration d’Indépendance d’Israël en 1948. Des centaines de milliers de palestinien-nes ont dû fuir leurs villages dont certains ont été vidés de leur population et détruits. Depuis 72 ans, le peuple palestinien lutte pour la reconnaissance de son propre État, à l’image de ses aspirations nationales. Pendant ces longues années, l’État d’apartheid israélien a organisé les attaques les plus meurtrières au mépris total des droits humains et du droit international. 

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YCL-LJC Salutes the Palestinian people on Nakba Day

Central Executive Committee, May 14th 2020

On Nakba Day, The YCL-LJC reiterates its wholehearted support for the Palestinian people, and strongly condemns Israel’s occupation and annexation of Palestinian lands. Nakba Day is a day of commemoration for Palestinians who faced mass displacement following the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced out of their towns and villages, many of which were entirely depopulated and destroyed. For 72 years, the Palestinian people have been fighting for recognition of their own state in the image of their national aspirations. Throughout this time, the Israeli apartheid state has organized the deadliest raids, in total violation of human rights and in total violation of international law.

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8 mai 2020: 75e anniversaire de la Victoire contre le fascisme

Comité exécutif central, 8 mai 2020

La YCL-LJC célèbre en ce jour la capitulation de l’Allemagne nazie en tant que coup de grâce du fascisme en Europe. Les soldats soviétiques ont avancé sur Berlin après avoir libéré les camps nazis, ce qui a donné lieu à la fin de la Guerre le 8 mai 1945. En reconnaissant que l’Allemagne nazie ne constitue pas seulement une menace pour ses citoyens mais pour la liberté de l’Humanité entière, l’Union soviétique s’est battue sans relâche contre la plus vile des créations humaines: le fascisme. 

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May 8th 2020: 75th Anniversary of Victory over Fascism

Central Executive Committee, May 8th, 2020

The YCL-LJC marks today as a day of great importance to celebrate the surrender of Nazi Germany, signaling the defeat of fascist forces in Europe. Soviet soldiers liberated the Nazi death camps and advanced to Berlin, sparking the official end of the war days later on May 8, 1945. Recognizing that Nazi Germany was a threat to not only its own citizens but to human freedom everywhere on the planet, the Soviet Union was relentless in this fight against one of the most violent and hideous evils of human creation: fascism. 

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MayDay 2020: The Youth will not pay for Capitalism’s Crisis

May 1st, 2020, Central Executive Committee

On the occasion of May 1st 2020, International Workers Day, the Young Communist League of Canada salutes healthcare workers who are on the frontline in the struggle against the COVID-19 Pandemic. We also wish to express our solidarity with those who must continue to work despite the risks of the Pandemic. To all these workers, we reiterate our demand that they be provided at no cost all personal protective equipment and that their health is guaranteed on their workplace. Would that not be the case, their right to refuse to work has to be enforced. We also the more than 10 million people who have lost their job or seen their work hours slashed. 

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