The YCL-LJC Salutes the Communist Youth of Venezuela for its 13th Congress

Central Executive Committee, November 2018

The YCL-LJC Canada sends its warm and revolutionary greetings to the comrades of the Communist Youth of Venezuela (JCV) for the occasion of their 13th Convention. Organized between November 8 – 11 under the theme “In the face of the crisis of capitalism, we fight for the future”, it will be the occasion to debate the role that the Venezuelan youth will be called to assume in defense of the Bolivarian social change process and for its strengthening in order to build socialism.

We know that this convention is taking place in a very difficult situation for the youth, the popular masses and the working class of Venezuela. In front of intervention and even military invasions threats, economic and mediatic war, but also in the midst of a crisis of rentist capitalism, JCV’s role as the vanguard of Venezuela’s youth is of utmost importance.

We are confident that you will know how to benefit from these days of work which, we are sure, will contribute to the strengthening of your organisation.

We would like to conclude by ensuring you that Canadian communists are continuing to fight to strengthen progressive, democratic and anti-imperialist youth’s support to Bolivarian Venezuela. Considering the role our government plays in the attacks against Bolivar and Chavez’s motherland, we understand that solidarity with Venezuela is a priority and is at the centre of our internationalist commitment for which we have been struggling for the past 95 years.

We would also like to ensure you that we will continue fighting against the main enemy of the youth and of the people, imperialism, from ‘the belly of the beast’. We commit to carry on this fight until imperialism is defeated, which is only possible through the replacement of capitalist barbarity with a society without classes and exploitation, one where the youth will be able to fully develop its potential.

This society is socialism and it is now more than ever time to fight for it.